Piano Play Therapy
Psychotherapy through Piano
Create a Soundscape of Your Inner World at the Piano
What we feel at any given moment cannot be understated in its importance to our perceived reality and our well being. Piano is a great outlet to help you connect with your feelings more immediately than words. Sometimes we don’t know how we feel until we are heard. Or sometimes, we have pent-up feelings stuffed underneath our daily persona, and there is disconnect to what we long to experience. Through playing the piano, you will give your feelings a safe place to be heard, explored and expressed. It’s a process through which you learn to appreciate your inner world with more wholeness and authenticity, without being concerned about right or wrong. There is a place where emotional pains or psychological injuries can find healing and deeper meanings.
Piano Play Therapy is for those who never played the piano but always wanted to —
– No previous piano playing necessary
– Safe, warm environment
– Right-brain approach (no note reading/ scales/theories)
– Immediately accessible to actual playing
For those who played the piano before but didn’t continue, or for those who play the piano now but are looking for something new —
– Healing from performance anxiety
– Actual enjoyment rather than stressful high expectations
– Intuitive learning, undoing the paralysis of “shoulds”
– Based upon the ability of where you are today